Eucalyptus eucalyptus, a tree so reviled by some for be subjected to an intensive cultivation for the production of paper (which causes deforestation of the areas with regard to indigenous species) is known from yesteryear Properties medicinal.

This tree is used throughout life to make steam and clear airway respiratory.We are sure that you asociáis the smell of the mists with the flu or the angina … in my house, certainly was something usual.

This is the case because the leaves and the fruits of this tree contain an essential oil with strong odor whose main ingredients are tannins, resin, and Eucalyptol. This plant steam inhalations (we must place the leaves and fruits in a pot with water, bring to a boil for five minutes and seek the vapors with a towel on her cabea for a while) are used to soothe sore throats, improve bronchial disorders and stop the catarrh.

In the form of tincture also serve as a anticatarral and airway (the famous Vicks Vaporub from our childhood). Eucalyptus is also great for treating nervous disorders and conditions heart.

In this case it is taken in the form of infusion, putting a montoncito of leaves in a glass of water; it boils, let stand a few minutes and it takes hot twice a day, sweetened with honey.

And if you’re very nervous or stressed, try to take a relaxing bath of eucalyptus. Simply fill the bathtub with hot water and add the result of Cook in a litre of water a handful of dry leaves and a little thyme.This cooking must sit for half an hour; then strain and pour. The effect is wonderful!

Image: dprieto.

Tags: plants medicinal, eucalyptus properties