Two professionals from the Centre spot rise with the research of the school of Nursing Awards.

by two studies on the needs of children for international adoption and smoking.

-Blanca Fernández-Fuenlabrada and Josefina Montero collected their awards at a ceremony held on the occasion of the pattern of the collective, San Juan de Dios, which was chaired by the President of the General Council of nursing, Max González Jurado

Spain, March of 2013– two of the three awards that have been granted this year within the XV awards of research of the school of nursingCiudad Real IA have returned to lie in the General Hospital professionals ‘ La Mancha Centro ’ de Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real). Specifically, Blanca Fernández-Fuenlabrada, Deputy Director of the alcazareno hospital nursing; and Josefina Montero, unit of specialized treatment of smoking nurse in this centre of the health service of Castilla – La Mancha (SESCAM); they have been awarded by the collegiate organization professionals.

Accompanied by the director of nursing of the Center spot, Apolonio Castillo, both gathered last Friday in Ciudad Real capital their awards during a ceremony held on the occasion of the pattern of this group, San Juan de Dios, which was chaired by the President of the General Council of nursing, Max González Jurado.

Two works of research that have been recognized are of great use and interest to the rest of the workers of the branch of nursing. He awarded in the category of master’s projects, was the prepared by Blanca Fernández-Fuenlabrada on ‘ care and meeting the needs of children in intercountry adoption: experience of the parents alone ’. Part of the base that Spain, as the second country in the world of international adoption child care, arrive annually numerous younger members of their countries of origin with physical, mental and emotional problems. Non-identification and early intervention about their problems and the lack of the necessary care may affect the quality of life of the child and its development.

According to the policy of the Hospital Mancha Centro, the collective nursing, as a health professional, has a clear responsibility in the detection of these special needs children international adoption, not only strictly health problems, but an interdisciplinary perspective that takes into account other factors, as the psychological or social.

Blanca Fernández-Laquetty and Josefina Montero, with the director of nursing of the stain, Apolonio Castillo.

With the final goal create programs of support to foster families covering all aspects and needs of the children of international adoption, the Assistant Director of nursing of the stain Center interviewing parents of children of international adoption, aged 0-3, in the first year of their arrival to the adoptive family. Any family interested in participating and contributing to the development of the study may do so by contacting with the author of the work at the e-mail

First prize

The other work award, made by Josefina Montero on ‘ factors associated with discontinuation of treatment in a multicompetente smoking program ’, won the first prize in the category of original research projects.

The project emerged to the perception that many patients prematurely interrupted monitoring smoking consultation. According to Montero, wanted to know the incidence and possible causes or associated factors ” to the low adherence to treatment. They discovered that the abandonment rate is 49.2% and associated factors are essentially psychological cutter (anxiety, difficulty concentrating, nervousness, impatience) and, above all, on aspects related to negative emotional States. Likewise, also demonstrated reduced adherence in patients who smoke cigarettes 23 or more.

As a proposal to improve adherence, the nurse of the Center spot of tobacco unit considered that it would be useful to develop a ‘ risk profile ’ smokers more likely to abandon the program, to use strategies to increase their motivation and their self-efficacy. Equally, it proposes to implement alternatives that offer the possibility of strengthening motivation based on the attainment of partial results, such as the reduction of consumption as a prelude to the cease-fire, which has proved its effectiveness in other programs of care to smokers. This would keep them longer in our program and would give us the possibility of intervention in its motivation ”, according to the conclusions of the study prepared by Montero.