
the salt we consume on a daily basis, both directly as part of many foods (especially preserves, pre-cooked and processed), it builds up partly in the kidney, which is the body to purify the blood and send it to the urine. Both salt and toxins from the blood irrigation may end up giving problems if they accumulate in excess

Debug our kidneys is always a great idea. One good way is to drink two liters of water daily, but there are also tea to help much. For example, the infusion of parsley.

it is very easy to prepare it. One must first take a handful of sprigs of parsley and wash them thoroughly, then cut into large pieces. Place the branches and leaves in a pot and add one liter of water.

A continuation will let boil the parsley for ten minutes, so it then rest infusion and cool at all.The next step is to filter the water resulting through a sieve and a gauze or cheesecloth. The liquid must pass a bottle of cristal with lid and should save it in the fridge.

Can take this cold infusion every day; you just a glass.Parsley has good diuretic and depurative properties, and you soon see that you feel much better, especially if you have had problems with kidney or infection in the urine

Image / Joylitas.

Tags: diets cleansing, infus cleansing ones, kidney problems!