Montevideo, 20 mar (EFE).-the Minister of the Interior of Uruguay, Eduardo Bonomi, said today that the victims of two nurses charged with the murder of patients in intensive care of Montevideo units are “without a doubt” many more than the 16 initially spoke.

“It is not an easy investigation”, “the work is left to the judge is important” because it is believed that the criminal action of nurses “covers several years”, stated this Tuesday Bonomi at the radio station Radio Carve.

“What has been discovered is with the medical histories and the death of people in a relatively short period of time,” said the Minister, before stating that he does not rule out the possibility of crimes to soar to “more than seven years” ago.

Judicial sources indicated today EfE although on Sunday, during interrogation, the accused confessed five and eleven murders each to show them pictures, “in both cases the nurses recognized have lost count”.

“Still does not have an exact number or time period,” added sources estimated “tens” fatalities.

As reported by the Uruguayan press, researchers of the police, which has begun to receive reports of new suspected cases, speculate with more than 200 cases, although for now it is only guesswork.

Are “not going to talk about amount of cases or time limits time until we have all the information, because this has become a question too sensitive as to be not accurate”, apologized to the media the Commissioner inspector San Angel Rosas, Coordinator of the Directorate-General for organized crime and Interpol.

Precisely on one of these versions, it points to one of the nurses confessed to killing a patient per week, Bonomi said to Carve “that the police had a figure something minor” Although it hidden also be more precise.

The Minister recalled that “clarify a crime serial of its kind in a developed country took 13 or 18 years” and the Uruguayan case began investigating last January, when there was a complaint anonymously on the part of the health workforce.

Thanks to subsequent investigations, on Friday past were arrested the nurses j. to. For 46 years, and M. p. g., 39 years, workers of the Spanish Association, a prestigious private mutual of the country, and the Maciel Hospital of public ownership.

A report by the Ministry of health carried out in Hospital Maciel and reproduced today by the newspaper El País says there that in the care unit Cardiológicos (UCC), where there were several deaths, were a sharp increase in the mortality rate during 2011.

Mortality rate ranged between 3% and 4% on average in the last five years, but last year shot up 12%.

Next to the nurses, who are in prison, a nurse who knew one of them, although the Justice ruled out for now a coordinated action was processed by cover-up.

However, Bonomi spoke Tuesday on Radio Carve that there “was a sort of competition” among criminals, but he also said then that “there are many things that are not clear” in the case.

The motive for the crimes, according to its authors, was “calm” to give victims although that is another dark point, admitted the Minister, who ruled out in principle possible links between the murderers and mafia of organ trafficking because the victims were all “older persons”.

The Minister of health, Jorge Venegas, will appear Thursday before Parliament to give explanations on the controls in the health sector and in the next few hours is expected the judge of the case, Rolando Vomero, disseminate the indictment of the accused, which will surely provide new light on a process that promises to be long. EFE