USP San Camilo joins the campaign “Donate your mobile phone”.

Madrid, January 2012- the Hospital USP San Camilo in Madrid, Spanish Red Cross and the Entreculturas Foundation have reached a collaboration agreement in virtue of which the hospital is committed to join the campaign ‘ donate your mobile ’, through which workerspatients and their companions can deliver their mobile used at facilities so that the benefits obtained by reusing and recycling are intended for development projects and education among the most disadvantaged groups.

USP San Camilo will encourage this 2012 to the workforce, to admitted patients and those who attend external consultations, through a campaign of dissemination, to participate in this initiative which Entreculturas and Red Cross have launched at the end of the year a new edition.

The campaign ‘ donate your mobile ’, which was launched seven years ago, it has collected to date a total of 663.615 phones to collaborate with the care of the environment through reuse and recycling, as well as education and development projects.

funds collected through the campaign ‘ donate your mobile ’ are used to finance projects aiming at the schooling of children in Latin America and Africa and, in particular, to those affected by HIV

specifically, the funds raised are used to fund Entreculturas projects for the education of children in Latin America and Africa andin particular, to those affected by HIV, in response to children orphaned by the disease and organizing prevention and awareness campaigns to stop its expansion.

Red Cross, for its part, is central in awareness in environmental projects, allocating proceeds of phones obsolete mainly elderly, giving specific guidelines to promote healthy ageing, through the dedication of his time to environmental activities and participation.

Red Cross is a humanitarian institution of international and voluntary founded in 1864. It has among its purposes the defence of human rights, attention to individuals and groups more vulnerable and cooperation with the poorest countries on Earth.

Intercultures is a foundation linked to the Jesuits work bringing quality education to the most disadvantaged sectors. He understood that education is to provide opportunities and considers that it is an essential tool to achieve social justice in the countries of the South.

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Madrid, USP hospital is the first hospital private group in the Spanish market. USP hospital now boasts a network of 12 hospitals and 23 health centres which assist 4,000 doctors that attend each year more than two million patients.

Those interested can obtain more information on the web or by calling toll-free: 900220044.