(www.neomundo.com.ar-_Especial_*)-many diseases may, only with his presence, cause reproductive problems of varying complexity and intensity. What are the five disorders that have more impact on female fertility?

Evil Tiroideos: hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, of asymptomatic very often and many times, can lead to disorders ovulatory and fertility problems. Some symptoms of alert are problems with the weight and sleep, and intolerance to cold or heat.

Celiac disease: eating disorders such as celiac disease can alter the absorption of substances essential for hormone metabolism and sometimes the factor responsible for. While the diagnosis is often complex, abdominal distention, chronic diarrhea and weight loss may alert us of your presence.

Endometriosis: what happens with a lot of times women suffer from moderate to severe with their menstruation pains? Most of the time there is clearly a factor, yes most of them is that there is a phenomenon of retrograde menstruation. This means that in addition to passing into the vagina, part of bleeding goes toward the fallopian tubes and is directed toward the abdomen. There produce irritation and in some cases, this blood (which is woven endometrial) can implant and produce a complex picture which is known as endometriosis. This chronic disease, feeding with each menstruation, produces from intense pains up cysts in the ovaries and adhesions of own tissues (Horn womb, intestine, and so on) by altering the functioning reproductive.

Smoking: smoking is perhaps the commonest of all factors. This factor, more and more research and more accepted as an aggravating factor in reproduction, can cause disturbances in the quality of the eggs, embryos and in implementation. The chances of pregnancy and success are augmented by 50% in those women who do not smoke.

Weight problems: increases or decreases excessive and very abrupt, can produce alterations in the release of the hormones responsible for the regulation of reproductive cycle. Suitable is to consult with a specialist in nutrition and human reproduction for correct advice.

* By Marcelo Garcea, Director doctor Pregna San Miguel

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