What cholesterol in the blood, a health problem that needs medical control especially if your level is very high. If your case always can help you to make changes in your food habits and start to moderate exercise. We give you some tips that surely you will prove to be useful: starts with rethink you your usual diet. You need to eliminate animal fats from your usual dishes and introduce more carbohydrates. In other words, beans, pasta and cereals must dominate your dishes daily as long as you have to do away with products such as butter, sausages or whole milk. It will also help you to drink plenty of water and stop drinking alcohol. your daily life also has to change if you suffer from cholesterol. You should avoid excessively fat and try to maintain your ideal weight. A good way to get it is you do aerobic exercise regularly, as for example swimming, running and even walking. But the diet and exercise often need the complement of a medication to control the amount of cholesterol in blood. Follow the instructions of your doctor and not leave the treatment on your own. Equally important is that you go to controls that advertise your specialist, your cardiovascular State both analytical level. You will be aware of your problem and take care of yourself? Hola.com Area entertainment

Tags: cholesterol, cholesterol tips, diet cholesterol