Why do you falling hair excessively? Your husband you already clarea you hair and has entrances? It is something that happens to many people but rarely know the reasons for this. We are going to find out a little more about androgenetic alopecia.The most common cause of excessive both in men and women hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia, also known as baldness common in the masculine case and hereditary in the women’s loss. It begins in adolescence and youth and reaches the maximum on the 40. It is the result of a process which, when it starts, is irreversible and that consists of the hair follicle is doing small in some areas of the scalp to become hair hair and finally make it disappear. the main responsibility for this to happen are androgens, specifically its increase and changes in its activity. Although there are several who has more influence over the hair follicle is the hormone dehidrotestosterona. There is a significant genetic influence in these cases of baldness, although not presented always with the same intensity in all members of a family. What areas of the hair are most frequently lost? The most sensitive areas are the middle on top of the forehead and the Crown in the men, and the entire upper and central women’s head. This implies as a fundamental difference that the girls fail to be completely bald, while men Yes. It is important that who suffers accept alopecia as something normal. As you have explained is a biological process that can be stopped or delayed, but never heal. Hola.com shaped intelligent

Tags: alopecia androgenic, female alopecia, androgens cause alopecia