world day of pulmonary hypertension may 5.

Spain, February of 2012- the National Association of pulmonary hypertension (ANHP (1)), as organizer and host of the world day of the pulmonary hypertension, have been working since 2011 the celebration which will increase awareness and help fight against pulmonary hypertension regardless of borders and nationalities.

Latin society of pulmonary hypertension and PHA (Pulmonary Hypertension Association USA), PHA Europe immediately joined this initiative and supported on May 5 as the date in which it will take place world day of pulmonary hypertension.

If you are reading this article, you know what is the pulmonary hypertension (2): a deadly disease that has a life expectancy of less than 3 years if proper treatment is not given. Much has been done in the field of pulmonary hypertension medications and we now have a series of treatments that give hope to many patients and help them survive the dreaded deadlines of 1, 3, 5 and 9 years after the diagnosis. We have much to thank medical specialists and researchers who are interested in pulmonary hypertension. His work has helped to better understand the disease and to find new molecules for drug products that have made some of us survivors long-term.

However, is still a long road to find a cure, and if we look at the various aspects of pulmonary hypertension in the world, the picture is bleak. The majority of countries have never heard of pulmonary hypertension, drug prices are beyond the reach of individuals whose Governments do not include them in their reimbursement policies, early diagnosis is an objective that has still not been fulfilled in countries where it is optimal access to specialized medical care.

If we make an approximate estimate, would have a small idea of what happens around us and we calcularíamos that the more conservative figures show us figures of about 100 people die every day due to lack of treatment of the pulmonary hypertension.

the first celebration of the world day of the pulmonary hypertension will be in memory of those we love and died fighting against the disease and also unknown victims. But it stays in the duel and celebrates a turning point, because most of the countries that have a pulmonary hypertension Association together their wills to promote a better future increasing awareness at the global level, to disseminate knowledge about the latest research and making sure that many people learn about pulmonary hypertension and that knowledge will save lives.

February 2, 2012, these are the organizations that have joined on 5 may as world day of the pulmonary hypertension and we continue collecting new accessions. We did not do more than start:

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(1) more information about the ANHP here and here .

(2) what is pulmonary hypertension?