You in the first half of your pregnancy is likely to suffer nausea and morning vomiting, which tend to be up to 16 week gestation and that vary in intensity for every woman.Do not know exactly what causing sickness but hormonal changes that occur in pregnant women play a very important role in them, especially because of the increase in hormones HCG and estrogen. These dizziness and vomiting are nor much less dangerous for the mother or to the fetus, unless they are very strong and reach produce dehydration requiring hospital care. Here are a few tips to try to avoid them: • eat little and every two or three hours.• Drink plenty of fluids.• Avoid fats and species.• Do not take alcohol or caffeine.• Rest often.• Come to awaken you, before getting up.• Move slowly.If despite these hints notes you Kenyan too much you should see a doctor so you rehidrate through hospital treatment and verify that any problem of health there are no stones in the gallbladder. If hospitalization is not necessary the specialist will prescribe you drugs for nausea that while they remove all whether reduce your discomfort.We must not forget that sometimes the emotional factors help increase the symptoms of nausea and vomiting of pregnant women. Hello Pichicola

Tags: councils pregnant nausea, pregnant discomfort, vomiting of pregnancy