
suffer stress of continuously? You should already know that it can lead you to many problems in your health, for example in the stomach or back. But it sure not be you happened to some oral problems may be associated with him, right?Be immersed in a continuous stress situation gives you more likely to suffer from diseases and problems like herpes, canker sores, candidiasis or bruxism mouth. Indeed, it is estimated that 20% of people suffers precisely bruxism, characterized by grinding strong and unconscious teeth especially at night, when the stress of the day is released in this way. If he is not correctly through download or orthodontic systems you can wear some teeth and cause other problems, such as pains in the neck, head, spine and jaw joints. but this is not all. Can suffer decay and you don’t know exactly the reason that you do well care teeth? Note that stress can also result. When you have regularly increases the acidity of saliva and at the same time reduces the amount. The enamel of the pieces is suffering this process directly.Two problems to be taken into account: the anxiety leads to the possible emergence of labial herpes and bad breath, caused by the problems of stomach and digestion that entails. Think women

Tags: caries, impact stress, teeth, mouth problems