“Your pharmacy with you”: Carpa-stand of the College of pharmacists of Pontevedra.

Spain, 2011-October Thursday 29 September under the motto “ your pharmacy with you ”, and coincident with the first day of the 7th National Congress of pharmaceutical care, the official College of pharmacists Pontevedra installed a carpa-stand door of the Sun of Vigo, in the vicinity of the “ Mermaid ”in which developed, between 9: 00 and 20: 00 hrs., various activities aimed at the population. This open day has been focused on the health of citizens, and she attended pharmacists of Bureau of Pharmacy and pharmacists from the Centre of information of Medicine (CIM) of the College official of pharmacists of Pontevedra. Activities developed in the tent will be all of them aimed at patients and users for the purpose of moving the population content and activities of sanitary interest, influencing the importance of the pharmacy in prevention and care of health both for its proximity to the citizen by the proximity of the pharmaceutical professional and welfare work.

Pharmacies, as first step of the health system, can have an important role in early detection of diseases, actively working on prevention, and in this way contribute efficiently to the sustainability of the public health system in the long term. Thus, among the activities are realizaro the measurement of lung capacity to smoking or ex-fumadores over 40 with respiratory problems using a test that can detect possible susceptible not diagnosed patients of obstructive Chronic pulmonary disease. Talks aimed at patients on use of inhalers, smoking cessation, blood coagulation, diabetes and cardiovascular risk were offered. Similarly, reported on medications to patients polimedicados who use more than one drug chronically and want to know the possible interactions between them, with the food, possible adverse reactions, etc.