a caregiver of one dependent older person makes a year more than 7,000 mobilizations and transfers of the patient in charge

day ‘ exercises and techniques of mobilization for dependent elderly people and their caregiver ’ is organized by the IMQ aid service, in collaboration with Igurco (both, from the IMQ group) within its programme of training for families of dependent elderly people

– the Middle daily round 20, including transfers of the more dependent of the bed to the wheelchair seats, bathroom, etc., as well as demonstrations in own bed (additions, organizes, etc.).

– transfers and mobilizations are the main causes of back pain in caregivers of dependent older people: about 90% of carers without technical AIDS end up suffering ”.

-transfers and trips can cause lumbago, cervical hernias, sciatica and nerve pain radiating to the upper limbs (arms) and bottom (legs).

– ergonomics allows us to identify risk factors and standards basic of postural hygiene when making transfers and mobilizations ”.

Bilbao, January 2012- A caregiver of one older person dependent makes every day an average of 20 transfers and movements of the patient in charge. If you consider that this work must be for 365 days a year and dependent elderly person can hang the 75 kilos, is that many caregivers are more than 7,000 transfers and movements within the year, which will be lifted or moved thousands of kilos ”. This is one of the aspects which Iria Martínez Zas, physiotherapist of the residence José María Azkuna in Amorebieta-Etxano (Bizkia), managed by the Igurco public health group, presented yesterday at a conference entitled ‘ exercises and mobilization for dependent elderly people and their caregiver techniques ’.

The Conference is part of the fourth edition of the training programme for families of dependent elderly people, organized by the IMQ aid service, in collaboration with Igurco (both, from the IMQ group), and took place yesterday in Bilbao.

As progress has been made the physiotherapist, this work is often performed by people that don’t know the best way to carry out such transfers and mobilizations, and in many cases, without making any kind of therapeutic exercise or prevention and dependents of considerable weight ”.

For this reason, the expert of the Igurco public health group (IMQ, Cosimet and Adeslas) has stated that transfers and mobilizations are the main causes of back pain in caregivers of dependent older people: about 90% of carers without technical AIDS end up suffering ”.

In this sense, has indicated that transfers and movements can cause lumbago, cervical hernias, sciatica and nerve pain radiating to the upper limbs (arms) and bottom (legs). There are also often tendinitis in hands, wrists and shoulders, that not only matter weight hanging – that it is supported by back-, but the repetition of such holds weight ”.

The physiotherapist of the José María Azkuna residence, managed by the public health Igurco group, has affected the fact which means that the caretaker due to demonstrations get the largest subsidiary of bed, take it to the wheelchair, sit him in the bathroom, help you to sit in the living room, etc. To all this, you must add demonstrations, where there are to change position to the more dependent on the bed, playing with positions face-up and side, as well as the additions. Demonstrations are essential to avoid many of the side effects of the encamamiento, such as pressure ulcers ”.

So, there are rules of ergonomics and techniques of transfer and mobilization that reduce risks to the maximum ”. Specifically, these techniques will be exemplified in a practical manner in the course of the Conference to facilitate the learning of the attendees.

Another relevant aspect is the ability of movement that has the own largest dependent: the keeper should leave the person dependent to do all the tasks and movements that it is able, regardless of whether require more time. It is important to develop all their skills to the extent possible, that the less you do, more dependent will be ”.

The expert has pointed out that to the technical AIDS represent a great relief for these tasks, the cost of the cranes to do demonstrations of major subsidiaries remains an obstacle for many families ”.