gestational diabetes affects about one in ten pregnant women

nearly 400 experts gather at the sixth meeting of Diabetes and obesity of the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI), which is held in Zaragoza from 26 to 28 January

-its prevalence is increasing significantly in recent years due to the increase in obesity and the delay in the age of motherhood

– Women with gestational diabetes have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy, such as high blood pressure or some urinary tract infections

-almost 60% of the adult population is overweight or obesity and the prevalence of diabetes in Spain is situated about 14%, although almost half of cases are not diagnosed

-diabetes may cause manifestations cutávaried lines and often little valued by patients and little known by doctors

-experts recall the importance of adapting treatment to the lifestyle of patients, as Muslims during Ramadan, to avoid the appearance of frequent or decompensation of diabetes with fasting

– according to the specialists, future treatments of the disease must be able to not only control, but prevent its progression, something not possible with current treatments

Zaragoza, January 2012- gestational diabetes is the one that appears for the first time in women during pregnancy. It arises because in that period are given a series of hormonal changes that cause insulin resistance, which favors its appearance in those women who can not compensate for this resistance.

The prevalence of this disease, which affects approximately 10% of pregnant women, is increasing significantly in recent years due to the increase in obesity and the older age of pregnant women; It is more common in obese women above age 30 years or those with a family history of type 2 diabetes.

Among other effects, it causes an increased risk of the baby is premature and that it develop obesity and diabetes type 2 in the future. In addition, mothers may have complications during pregnancy such as high blood pressure or some urinary tract infections; In addition, some studies indicate that up to 30% of women with gestational diabetes will end up being diabetic throughout his life.

That is why the doctor Ricardo Gómez strikes, Coordinator of the Group of Diabetes and obesity of the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI) stated, on the occasion of the sixth meeting of Diabetes and obesity in society, is important to diagnose and appropriately treat gestational diabetes to avoid their associated complications; the main one is the fetal macrosomia (infants with an excessive weight), associated with a marked increase in complications in childbirth ”.

This edition of the meeting of the Group of the SEMI will be special emphasis on the development of different workshops on diabetes and obesity, including two on skin manifestations of the first and the adaptation of treatment to the different styles of life of patients. During the Congress he also discuss various diabetic complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy, diabetic foot, skeletal complications or fatty liver. Also gives special relevance to the prevention of cardiovascular complications, which are the leading cause of mortality in the diabetic population. Finally, during the Congress will be a contest of clinical cases for resident doctors in internal medicine and the results of recent studies will present in this field.

Skin manifestations of diabetes

Diabetes is a multi-sistémica disease that can affect any body, including skin and soft tissues; the skin manifestations are varied and often little valued by patients and poorly known by doctors. The Coordinator of the Group of the SEMI pointed out that the most frequent were the diabetic Scleroedema (a hardening and thickening of the skin, especially of the neck and back), the disease of Dupuytren (fibrosis palmar, which can produce a retraction of the fingers of the hand), adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder (which determines a marked limitation of mobility) or tenosynovitis of the tendons of the hand ”. Another very characteristic, particularly of type 1 diabetes complication, is the quiroartropatía, which causes a limitation of the extension of the fingers.

In addition, diabetic patients have an increased susceptibility to skin infections by fungi and bacteria, which sometimes can become very serious.

El Ramadan: adapt to the life and beliefs of the patient, essential for the treatment

Diabetic patients must conform to a pattern of food and intake of drugs during treatment; However, sometimes these patterns have changed for various reasons. One of them is the change in foods, such as which occurs during Ramadan. Dr. Gómez strikes believes that it is important that doctors try to diabetic patients we adapt to their lifestyles and socio-cultural and religious beliefs ”.

In Spain currently reside more than one million people of Muslim faith, many of whom practice Ramadan. diabetics of the Muslim faith, although in theory they are exempt from this, in practice often want to meet the fast. In these cases it is important to adapt the treatment, both for patients treated with diet or oral medications for treaties with insulin, so as to avoid the appearance of frequent decompensation of diabetes ”, according to the specialist.

Present and future of the treatment of diabetes

Today, almost 60% of the adult population presents problems of overweight or obesity and the prevalence of diabetes in Spain is situated about 14%, although almost half of cases are not diagnosed.

Why is making a great research effort in the development of new anti-diabetic drugs to improve their control and prevent its complications, while avoiding the side effects that are common with the classics, such as weight gain or the frequent antidiabetic drugs.

According to Dr. Gómez strikes, incretínicos drugs have represented the great novelty of recent years in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. For this reason, during the meeting will address the potential benefits of these groups of drugs, which according to the expert from the SEMI are that does not cause frequent, have an effect on body weight neutral or favourable and they may even be beneficial to cardiovascular level. Another group of upcoming marketing drugs are the glucosúricos agents that increase the Elimination of glucose in the urine. During the meeting the new insulins for extra-large action will also be analyzed ”.

In summary, the expert concludes future diabetes treatments must be able to not only control, but prevent its progression, something not possible with current treatments ”.