a meeting on research in Fibromyalgia meets in Seville to experts and patients

activity, which is held today Wednesday, October 19, is free and the registration can be formalized through the web www.espaciosaludinvestiga.es awareness

Seville, 2011-October Seville today hosts a meeting on research in Fibromyalgia that will bring together experts, patients, families and associations and the detailing the main lines of research are being developed in the field of this pathology. specifically, the Act will take place in the House of science from 16.00 hours.

It’s a day under the so-called awareness meetings and promoted by the Ministry of health, whose main objective is to create a space for the analysis and discussion of different research projects in which they currently taking place and health results could improve the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of certain pathologiesin this case, the fibromyalgia. Ultimately what is approaching to citizens in general, especially associations of patients and their families, the current state of research. On this occasion, the motto of the meeting is ‘ in Fibromyalgia Research closely ’.

The activity will have the presence of the Chief of service of health care of the General Secretariat of public health and participation of the Ministry of health, Antonio Sagués Amadó, which will be responsible for presenting the meeting. Is also expected to attend the head of the Andalusian Plan of care people with pain 2010-2013, Juan Antonio Guerra de Hoyos, who will address this disease from the point of view of the Health Organization in Andalusia; the inquiry on group mechanisms of the pain of the Department of neuroscience of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Basque country, Monika Salgueiro, whose intervention will focus on generalities in the clinical picture of those who suffer from Fibromyalgia and the difficulties of the investigation because of the heterogeneity of patients; for its part, the researcher of the Center Andalusian of biology of the development of the University Pablo de Olavide, Mario David Lamb, will speak of their more recent work in the field of this pathology; and the psychiatrist of the unit of clinical management of the area of Health Mental of the Hospital Port Royal from Cadiz, Julián Elorza, will a review by the interdisciplinary research topics in Fibromyalgia. The debate which will take place at the end of the presentations will be moderated by the Director of health, Marta Reboredo and management of projects of the Foundation public Andalusian progress.

This event is free and those interested can register on the web: http://www.espaciosaludinvestiga.es/ onciencia in which the full programme of activity is available, and which also may be the direct development of the meeting.

Bringing research to the public

Encounters awareness initiative is part of the so-called investigates health spaces, activity organized by the Foundation public Andalusian progress and health, and promoted by the Ministry of health central entity support and management for research in the public health system in Andalusia. This is the fifth meeting that takes place in what year that had been previously held other sessions on other pathologies such as rare diseases, HIV, Alzheimer’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Last year were other three meetings on diabetes, heart disease and Oncology, which counted with the participation of professionals in the field of the Andalusian health both outside the community.

In addition to these awareness meetings, spaces health research initiative provides other targeted actions to disseminate the activity develops in the area of health research and that are aimed both at citizenship as health professionals. Highlighted, inter alia, the meetings at the frontier of research in health, the children’s laboratories in advanced therapies, the investigates health days, etc.