A study of the Hospital Infanta Cristina of Badajoz shows a high percentage of under-diagnosis of COPD among lung cancer patients.

-the under-diagnosis of COPD among patients with pulmonary neoplasm reached nearly seven of every ten patients

-patients with COPD and cancer were older age, higher level of smoking and more associated cormobilidades

Badajoz, March of 2013- a study conducted by the service of Pneumology of the Hospital Infanta Cristina of Badajoz has revealed a high percentage of under-diagnosis of COPD among patients of calung cancer. After examining a total of 486 patients, found that the under-diagnosis of COPD among patients with pulmonary neoplasm was very high, namely 68.3%.

Tests developed between July 2006 and February pulled out also that the typical profile of a patient with COPD and cancer was the person of advanced age, high level of smoking and other co-morbidities associated, although which were more underdiagnosed.

about 30% of 486 COPD patients included in the study, with an average age of 67 years, had developed some neoplasia associated with this respiratory pathology, half of pulmonary origin. Of the extrapulmonary, the most frequent locations were: bladder (26.6%), larynx (13.3%), colon (10%); stomach (8%); and prostate (8%).

This study is presented in the thirty-ninth Congress of Neumosur, which takes place between 14 and 16 March in Badajoz. This meeting brings together more than 300 experts in respiratory diseases and thoracic surgery of Andalusia, Extremadura and the Region of Murcia, which discussed about the latest news and updates in diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, COPD or lung cancer.