Addictions unfortunately, rare is the one who doesn’t know someone that has fallen into terrible networks of cocaine, a very addictive drug which those who consume or have consumed qualify of very greedy ”, and also tempts to a consumption repeated almost from the outset to alleviate the inaguantables hangovers ” arising out of your use.

One of the dangers entailed in the cocaine when it generates a progressive consumption is that person tolerate increasingly higher doses, levels of tolerance that will persist even after that the person cease to consume it.

Addictions when consumed large quantities of cocaine, the subject may experience a cerebral excitement of such magnitude that it derives in a delusional psychosis. It is then when there is a disconnect with reality and delusions and hallucinations appear, which can result in the consumer of cocaine have violent behavior, hurt other people, or even autolesione.

The consumer of cocaine can lose control over consumption and become a compulsive consumer to the point of losing the interest in anything that is not related to providing such drug. The unit can become so strong that it will affect all aspects of life such as social relationships and partner or work.

Addictions addicted to cocaine person begins to gradually lose the positive behaviors. Appear great irritability, aggressiveness, verbal or physical reactions, tardiness, and selflessness. The main risks of chronic and abusive consumption include mental disorders such as depression and paranoid ideas.

With regard to organic, risk esnifada cocaine can cause loss of appetite, insomnia, perforation of the nasal septum or the palate, respiratory pathologies such as sinusitis and irritation of the nasal mucosa, tachycardia, stroke, brain haemorrhage or heart ischemic.

Collecting; Hideout Cosultoriosuniversia

Tags: addiction drugs, drug addiction, risk cocaine, drug addicts health