The poppy red.The plots, wasteland and any sunny field are annually visited by this flower. So maligned by his relationship with the white variety, which are derived opiates (morphine, heroin, opium …), known for many years our red poppy, however, is a medicinal plant. Has been used as an ingredient for syrups for coughs, treatments for throat problems and as a sedative for States nervous.

The difference with poppy (white variety) is that the red poppy does not contain morphine.This flower has sedative and emollient properties, and is also a light sleeping pill. Formerly it was used to cure conditions lung.

for preparing poppy treatments, have to pick the flowers (they are not toxic) in full bloom, as they open it, and remove green pods and seeds. Then they must dry open-air, out of the Sun, extending them well and aerating them from time to time. Then keep well closed, away from light and moisture.

Do you want to prepare your own -based poppy irritating cough syrup? You will also deal with the insomino and the States of nerves. Points: he infusiona five tablespoons of dried petals desmenuzados in half a litre of water, for fifteen minutes. Filter the mixture and put it to heat; Add sugar until make an oily aspect (a few hundred grams). You can take between three and five tablespoons to the day.Route and more information: Naturaeduca.

Tags: properties poppy, insomnia remedies, cough remedies