Benefits autumn offers a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and vegetables. Each food has different properties which is why we will tell you how we can take advantage of these typical products of this station. So you will know and will have in mind the benefits for your health.

Eggplant: is high in potassium, for people who are devoid of the. The artichoke is worth for slimming diets and has an easy digestion.

Pumpkin: very rich in fiber. It contains vitamins A and C and a low level of fat

Artichoke: is especially recommended for diets because it contains less than 50 calories. It is also diuretic and contains a wealth of vitamins and oligoelements.

Grenade: has a high content in vitamin C, tannins, and antioxidants. It is ideal for people with gastroinstestinales, cardiovascular problems, and to treat some types of cancer.

Grapes: is very an antioxidant. It contains beta-carotene, calcium, phosphorus, tannins, magnesium and sugars easily assimilated by the body. It also has a high content in fiber which helps the bacterial flora.

Figs: its main water content makes this fruit rich in fiber and carbohydrates from carbon.

Dried fruits: hazelnuts, chestnuts and walnuts. They are good for the cardiovascular system. They contain a high level of carbohydrates and high-value energy.

Fuente| CIGNA health

Tags: foods low in calories, beneficial food, food diets, food healthy foods, fruits and autumn fall