Bio-Med Aragon arose in Toulouse: the Aragonese Bioregion participated in the ‘ Brokerage Event ’ the project of cross-border cooperation together with other five Pyrenean regions.

-eight major research institutions Spanish and French, including the Aragon Institute of Sciences of health and its partners in Bio-Med Aragon, have launched a cross-border network to collaborate on biomedical research

– is a project of the working community of the Pyrenees budgeted at more than 3 million Euros

Zaragoza, March of 2013.- Biomed-Aragon Association representatives, gathered in Toulouse on 21 and 22 February with researchers from the five regions on both sides of the Pyrenees: Aragon, La Rioja, Navarre, Basque country and Midi Pyrénées.

The event has been organized by the Institute National de la santé et de la Recherche médicale (INSERM) Midi Pyrénées Limousin and has included workshops focusing on the main areas of biomedical research: Oncology, Cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, neurosciences, immunity, inflammation and infectious diseasesBiobanks, cell mother and therapeutic innovation, technology applied to health and epidemiology and public health. Also there will be preparatory meetings for the launch of the following stages of project development.

From Aragón was attended by researchers representing the Aragonese Institute of health sciences and the University of Zaragoza in the different thematic areas, as well as spin-offs and start-ups of the biomedical sector: AlphaSIP (microchips for diagnosis), Nanoimmunotech (nanobiotechnology) and BitBrain (neurobioinformatica).

The purpose of this workshop is to promote the interconnection of tissue researcher bio of different regions, fostering synergies and partnerships to strengthen research and innovation in the biomedical sector, contribute to the development of research and the transfer of results to society.

National and international collaboration seems essential for the achievement of important results in the field of biomedical research. Hence, the RefBio project partners consider this project, integrated in the operational programme of Territorial cooperation France-Spain – Andorra 2007-2013 (POCTEFA), the optimal framework for promoting cooperation in biomedical research between the two slopes of the Pyrenees.