Botulinum Toxin is used by dentists in the treatment of oral health problems. < span id = "more-12843" >


botulinum toxin, Botox ®, known for disguising wrinkles and sagging skin on the face, is also used in dental treatment to the resolution of the gingival smile cases, treatment of bruxism and headaches of dental origin, among others. “botulinum toxin is another therapeutic feature that dentistry has to solve problems,” says Anna Magician, Coordinator of the specialization course of Patients with special needs and botulinum toxin training in dentistry, São Leopoldo Mandic College.

the specialist explains that botulinum toxin acts to paralyze the muscle that is in it, returning the Hyperfunction in normality. the procedure is safe and there is no compromising the motor mouth. “is a simple, efficient treatment, done in ten minutes with fine needle-like used to apply insulin – and with a high degree of satisfaction reported by patients,” stresses.

for bruxism, for example, botulinum toxin helps both patients who grind and clamping the teeth. the substance is applied on each side of the face, in the main chewing muscles to make them lose their excessive force. “is a new treatment that has shown incredible results, ideal for those who don’t want to sleep with the protective plate in the teeth,” says Ryan. the treatment is also used for cases of TMJ and orofacial pain dysfunction.

patients the smile show the excess gum Gummy Smile called – – can escape/get rid of surgery where the distance of the lip to the gum does not exceed 3 mm. a small application in internal muscle of upper lip, responsible for pulling the upper lip up and prevents it to rise and remain in place, minus the gum. “the clinical improvement is remarkable and there is numbness in the upper lip, or the feeling of face paralyzed,” Anna

. botulinum toxin is very useful in the preparation of the muscles of the mouth of the patient who is going to make dental implant. the substance helps in relaxation of the muscles of mastication, which favors the adaptation to the use of dentures.

as is the case when used for aesthetic purposes, for Medicine, botulinum toxin in dentistry also lasts six months and needs to be reapplied for continued good result.



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