(Reuters) – the total number of us who are

diagnosed with it, or die of cancer is declining, but

certain types of obesity-related cancer and

inactivity are on the rise, according to the annual report of the

situation of cancer in United States.

United States cancer rates fell in a 0.6 by

% per year between 2004 and 2008, according to the report, based

on data from the National Institute of cancer, Control centres and

Disease and other sources.

For men, the incidence of prostate cancer is

reduced by an average of 2.1 per cent per year, while the

lung cancer rates fell by 2 percent.

In women, lung cancer rates declined

in a 1.2 per cent a year, while the incidence of cancer

breast, which is associated with obesity, it remained equal.

“the incidence of breast cancer was reduced when the


hormones retreated, but it has now stabilized”, said the

Dr. Powell Brown, President of the cancer prevention in the

Department of medical in MD Cancer Center Oncology

Anderson at the University of Texas in Houston.

Brown referred to the discovery of several years of

that the hormone replacement therapy for women

menopausal increased the risk of disease and breast cancer


El Dr. Brown also explained that the trends of the

lung cancer in women have followed those of men

for about 10 years, reflecting the widespread use of the

tobacco in women.

Smoking is responsible for about one-third of the

United States cancer cases, while another 20 per cent or

are more linked to obesity and inactivity.

More than one third of Americans are overweight and

more than one quarter are obese, increasing their chances of

develop health problems, such as disease

heart, cardiovascular accidents, diabetes, as well as

certain types of cancer.

Possible mechanisms for the Association of obesity

cancer include the production of hormones, the role of

cells of fat in the growth of the tumor and in the

levels of inflammation.

Annual report revealed that the rates of pancreatic cancer

and kidney – both linked to excess weight and life

sedentary – increased by 1.1 per cent and a 3 by

%, respectively, each year from 2004 to 2008.

The incidence of colorectal, also linked to the

obesity, fell 2.4 per cent per year during the same


“part of that may be related to detection


colorectal”, said Dr. Brown. “may also be

related to the diet or other exhibitions that have the

people. “Do not understand well,” he added.

The report also showed that, in general, less people

are dying of cancer. Mortality from cancer in States

United fell by 1.9 per cent annually since 2004 to the

2008, while treatments improved and incidence


“while smoking is considered a factor of extreme risk

for cancer (…) in the future will be measured to obesity and

the lack of physical activity are the main factors of

risk”, said Dr. Brown. “people need to be

advised to increase the exercise, eat in a manner

healthy and lose weight”, he added.