we all know that it is important to control blood sugar levels in the blood. A high level of glucose may be symptom of diábetes or could lead to kidney failure. So you maintain sugar controlled today we propose a number of home remedies that can be you very useful.

  • Infusions of eucalyptus are a good option, because its leaves present cineole helps control blood glucose levels. Add a tablespoon of Eucalyptus leaves for each cup of water. If we also add wheat germén to infusion increase its effect.
  • Infusions of agrimonia

  • also help to lower blood glucose levels. You must take for five days and rest for five others. We will have to repeat the process only until they are within normal levels.
  • Artichoke splintered a substance very similar to insulin, which is why its consumption is recommended for diabetics.
  • Is important to put in the hands of doctors and follow its requirements. These tips will help you supplement your instructions