Women tend to pretend too our makeup, however, with a good pre-planning can get real advantages to.

First, each woman must present which is the part of the face you want to emphasize and what that prefers to hide or disguise.

If you wish to highlight the eyes is essential to appeal to a proper delineation, much higher as you infer. Suggested colors are dark, such as black, blue or brown. Women with extremely clear eyes, very well wear blue eyeliner or green.

Addition, supplemented the staccato with a shade in important colors according to color enabling more each person, without losing sight that should at least apply different two-tone.

For those who do not possess sufficient tabs, you can use the tabs postizas.

For those wishing to have an impact with their lips, always suggests the previous delineation of it, in the same tone of lipstick applied. After having outlined correctly, apply lipstick and finally a transparent brightness, concentrated in the center of the lips.

A very elegant trick is to draw a small mole on the top of the lip.

Should pay attention as to the amount of makeup applied. The excess thereof may bring serious consequences to the general appearance.

Another important detail is the shame, which in case of not knowing how to apply it, it is preferable not to use it, can can ruin the work of the entire face.