16 speakers are confirmed to attend the event in Ribeirão Preto (SP).


will happen between days 19 and 22 October the 33rd edition of Dental Journey of Ribeirão Preto (Jorp). Organized by the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo (Forp-USP) and the Dean of USP’s culture and University extension, the event aims to bring together students and professionals from different areas of dentistry.

to date, have already confirmed their presence Telma Martins de Araújo (Orthodontics), Eduardo Fregnani (Endodontics), Alessandro Januário (Periodontics and Implantology), Angelo Menuci Neto (Implantology), Mario Gabrielli (CTBMF), Marisa Aparecida Cabrini Gabrielli (CTBMF), Antenor Araújo (CTBMF), Victor Clavijo (Oral rehabilitation Aesthetics), Ronalo Hirata (Aesthetics), Conceição Ewerton Nocchi (Aesthetics), Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva (Legal Dentistry), Danilo Maeda Kingdom (Periodontics), Francisco Rehder Neto (Dentistry), Renato Uetanabara (tenders), Ana Cristina Kolbe (halitosis) and Sean Boraks (Stomatology).

for more information about the event, please contact us via e-mail divulgacao_33jorp@hotmail.com and jorp33_cientifica@hotmail.com


according to the organizers, in brief, the official site of the event will also feature updated information
