Galileo is a device developed in their home, like so many other things, for the European space programme, and its advantages is that you no longer have to be hours and hours in a gym if you want to tone up your body, allowing it to perform a full training session of only 10 minutes away

In contrast to conventional training, vibratory platforms Galileo technology increases the intensity of training from only 1 to 30 contractions per second and 30% of muscle activity up to the 99%

You only have to upload to the platform and make a table of exercises for 10 minutes, maybe push-ups, weights, abodominales, depending on the part of u body you want to tone up.

There are many famous like Madonna and elite athletes as Rafa Nadal, who used the Galileo Fitness training, method and is now finally accessible to all.

Where can I practice Galileo Fitness?

-academies of high performance – fitness – FITNESS – centres sports centers (football, golf, tennis, athletics, skiing, swimming, martial arts, etc.) -Medical centers, rehabilitation and physiotherapy – beauty – spa centers

What are the benefits of the vibrating platforms? – help to reduce cellulite – improves athletic performance – accelerates rehabilitation – increases welfare

Tags: galileo fitness, vibration platforms