roche includes a section for patients in their new website on hepatitis C.

– pharmaceutical company provides access to users through a very intuitive and easy to remember website using the name of the disease.

– a new paragraph to the general public can consult information on Hepatitis C news, articles of interest, relevant links, glossary of terms and information facilities.

– this portal shows the willingness of Roche to further research and progress in the treatment of Hepatitis C as well as disseminate knowledge of this pathology.

Madrid, July of 2011- Roche, after launching its website, includes in it a new section to patients. This tool, so far only offered content for health professionals, adds a section to the general public where to consult information about Hepatitis C news, articles of interest, relevant links, glossary of terms and general information. A new area open to the population whose goal is to extend knowledge about this disease and the different factors that affect it.

in this section, aimed at patients, helps the user General information on Hepatitis C ranging from diagnosis and follow-up tests, to tips for living a life healthy, measures to prevent the spread and what implications that may have this disease in daily life and long term health. Web site will also host other content such as, articles of interest, news and links relevant.

this initiative reflects the will of Roche to continue researching and advancing the science of Hepatitis C, bearing in mind, always in the first instance, to patients and their families as key players and stakeholders to promote maximum awareness about this disease.

about hepatitis C.

hepatitis C virus is known as the ‘ silent epidemic ’. The prevalence of this disease data place it as one of the epidemics of this century, which Spain affects about 800,000 Spaniards. The main causes of death associated with hepatitis C are the cirrhosis of the liver (in 35% of cases) and cancer of the liver (in 32% of cases).

roche, based in Basel (Switzerland), is a leading international company in the sector diagnostic, which prioritizes research and pharmaceutical health in areas. As the largest company Biotech in the world, innovative products and services for early detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, Roche contributes on various fronts to improve health and quality of life of people. Roche is the world leader in medicines and Diagnostics for cancer and transplantation, as well as a leader in Virology; It also operates in other major therapeutic areas such as autoimmune, inflammatory and metabolic diseases and central nervous system.