Daily work, domestic work and exposure to the contact with different surfaces and temperatures often affect the hands. That is why, through simple tips and home care, hands hidratadas in minutes they can be obtained. The hands are the letter of the person. With them he is bearded, she greets it caresses. These reasons are those involving, have hands healthy.

some of the tricks casero:

Hands hidratadas, is a goal that every woman chases. For this reason, once detected the reason, these tips should follow. For housewives, the first suggestion is to place gloves to protect the skin. In addition, they should be placed at the end of each work, a mixture of Vaseline and emulsion water. This compound is made with half water, to the extent of petroleum jelly used.

If the hands are damaged by temperatures, in the previous emulsion, must add you a processing cucumber. In this way, the compound will be applied with circular movements. You must leave for five minutes. Finally, must be removed with a cloth that does not scratch.

Get hidratadas through these preparations, hands will be an easy task. It should be remembered that treatment is periodic, and if you can reiterate on the day the result will be better.

Remember keep hands to average temperatures, extreme cold or scorching heat are synonymous with broken, reddened skin or with bad aspect widespread.