The Infanta Sofía manages to improve the recovery of cardiópatas patients with a holistic program.

disease cardiovascular, along with cancer, are among the leading causes of death in the community of Madrid.

-the cardiac rehabilitation unit provides assistance of doctors, psychologists and physiotherapists

– provides knowledge and skills to the patient and their families to improve their quality of life

Madrid, February 2012.- the Health MinisterJavier Fernández-Lasquetty, visited on Friday the unit rehabilitation Cardiaca of the Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia, belonging to the public network of hospitals in the community of Madrid, to learn about the work of professionals and the implementation of the programme is underway for part a multidisciplinary team.

Excellent results have been so far that has been to increase the functional capacity of patients by more than 25%.

The aforementioned unit promotes that patients who have suffered a coronary heart disease can recover and lead a completely normal life following cardiac rehabilitation program. 35 Patients with an average age of 57 years have attended since its opening in June 2011, among them, there is only a woman, since such diseases affect more men than women.

The good results are due largely to the constant research of its professionals and team work that is carried out in a multidisciplinary manner. Patients are evaluated by different specialists involved in medical treatment as well as in the subsequent monitoring of its process after being discharged from the unit.

Cardiac rehabilitation unit is composed of a multidisciplinary team led by Cardiology service and counts with rehabilitation, cardiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, preventivistas, physiotherapists and a dedicated team of nurses that can offer these patients a comprehensive care of quality and excellence.

Two hard cardiac rehabilitation program months, during which patients are constantly evaluated by cardiologists who indicate the treatment to follow and patterns of physical exercises to be performed. The rehabilitation evaluated them before and during treatment if complications in the locomotor apparatus emerge.

Group meetings led by psychologists

Based on the results of the initial consultation, patients make an individualized physical training directed and supervised by a cardiologist and a nurse performing exercises warm-up and stretching led by physiotherapists.

From the psychological point of view, carried out several sessions of relaxation and weekly group meetings coordinated by a psychologist.

Also provides an educational program whose contents deal with the fundamental aspects of the disease, risk factors, appropriate lifestyle to prevent and beneficial drugs, attended also family.

It is very important for patients to become aware of the extent of his illness and that are properly informed by specialists on how to lead a normal life and quality after suffering an episode of ischemic heart disease.

Cardiovascular disease, with cancer, are among the leading causes of mortality in the community of Madrid and cause around 12,000 deaths a year. Each year the public hospitals in the region serve about 67,000 hospitalizations, among them, more than 9,000 for myocardial infarction and in addition are 430,000 external consultations on these conditions.