ISED denies accusations of the College of physiotherapists of Madrid.

Madrid professional physiotherapists Association confuses the consumer by launching a false accusation of professional intrusion.

Madrid, June of 2012. The professional physiotherapists of the community of Madrid has recently issued a misleading statement where he accuses the Superior Institute of ISED studies of professional intrusion. This assertion is false given that in any case the Center has been sanctioned for this cause.

The sentence that speaks communiqué saying refers to the resolution issued by the General Consumer direction of the Ministry of economy and Finance of the community of Madrid in April 2012 and is not no professional intrusion event. This exposes guidelines to make the advertising of ISED more clarificadora indicating the nature of their own titles at all times.

Physiotherapists schools repeatedly attacking ISED in order to discredit the work of formation of a group of professionals with more than 25 years of experience in the education sector. In the past, schools such as the Basque country denounced professional intrusion in the academic activity of ISED and justice always decided in favour of the higher Institute of studies.

These deceptive actions demonstrate once again the attempted monopoly of the professional schools of physical therapy to control the market. ISED in any case forms to physiotherapists with his training. This only refers to massage qualified professionals to treat patients with serious injuries or work at clinical sites. As required by law and we do it.