Live with the parents of adult perpetuates conflict family.

the study is published in the magazine “Culture and education”.

Spain, September 2011- researchers at the University of La Laguna have done 240 parent families monitor to observe the impact of the permanence of the sons and daughters in the family home during adolescence and emerging adulthood (from 18 to 25 years). According to their results, if the stems together with her parents in this last stage, conflicts at home increase.

Have worked with young people, in this case in the family, to see what happens during the so-called ‘ phenomenon of the packed nest ’, i.e., when age 18 children are left at home ”, explains to SINC Beatriz Rodríguez, researcher at the University of la Laguna and co-author of the study.

The researchers classified the sons and daughters adolescents in three major stages: early adolescence (12-13 years), media (14 and 15) and late (from 16 to 18). Persons between 18 and 25 years called them ‘ emerging adults ’.

In Spain, for the social, economic and cultural characteristics of our country, children leave home later than in Northern Europe and USA. Our case resembles more to other countries in the Mediterranean such as Greece, Portugal or Italy culture.

According to experts, the fact that emerging adults to continue living at home parents increases conflict at home. Conflicts in the teens reach the highest peak at the beginning, descend in Middle adolescence and again increased in the late ”, said Rodriguez.

At this stage (from 16 to 18) the issue of conflict is also different, mainly as a result of a more symmetrical relationship between parents and children, and a greater independence of these ”, says the researcher.

conflicts associated with studies, own of the adolescent stage, give rise to disputes involving values more personal or moral about future prospects

There is a decoupling between what parents expect their children to this evolutionary stage and what they own emerging adults expect for themselves. There is a separation between social values and personal expectations ”, suggests the study.

Also, conflict resolution strategies change. As puberty progresses, individuals develop more constructive conflict resolution strategies and during emerging adulthood negotiation strategies increase.

From our perspective we believe need a social policy that will help to promote the emancipation of emerging adults from their family homes. However, while the situation is the one that is, parents must recognize that their children are in transition to adulthood and assume their social and cultural situation differs from that lived them ”, Rodríguez concludes.

This project, funded by the Ministry of science and innovation, has had a duration of 4 years and ended in March 2011.

Bibliographic reference:

Beatriz Rodríguez, María José Rodrigo López. the ‘ nest filled with ’: resolution of family conflicts when older children are left at home ”, C & E: culture and education 23 (1): 89-104 2011.