Our brain also suffers with the city tour ”.

– Although the post-holiday stress is more related to emotional aspects, can be the trigger of disease and neurological ailments, which is why the Sociedad Española de Neurología (SEN) recalls the importance to carry out measures to prevent it

-En Spain suffer from post-holiday stress around 35% of workers

Spain, 2011-September the end of the holiday period and a return to the cities entails the need to retrain our duties and as well as a more hectic lifestyle that makes that we experience mental, emotional, and cognitive changes that may take turn to so-called post-holiday stress. It is estimated that in Spain they suffer post-holiday stress around 35% of workers aged between 25 and 40 years, although this percentage may be higher among those whose activity is very intense, primarily among persons living in urban environments, and among those who are unhappy with the work.

There are several studies showing the impact of stress on the origin or worsening of certain diseases and neurological ailments such as headaches, epilepsy and sleep disorders ”, says the Dr. Carlos Tejero Juste, Member of the Board directive of the society Spanish of Neurology. though the post-holiday stress is more related to emotional aspectsgenerally they do not usually last more than 15 days, we must not forget that our brain also suffers, so it is important to carry out measures to prevent it ”.

The emotions associated with stress – concern, anxiety, fatigue, excitation, etc.-produce an increase in muscle tension that can generate tension headaches or trigger migraine crisis. Tension headache is the most common headache type, represents approximately 90% of cases of headache, and stress is the main trigger. Although the vast majority of headaches are not particularly serious, it is key to diagnose them properly, given that an inappropriate remedy could be to cronificar the problem ”, says Dr. Carlos Tejero Juste.

Sleep because of stress disorders affect more and more number of people. The sleep disturbances affect 30% of the population, insomnia and Hypersomnia, the most common disorders among the adult population. An estimated 15.5% of the population suffers Hypersomnia by stress, including people with apnea of sleeping or narcolepsy who see increased its alterations at this time. Daytime sleepiness can be very disabling, affects social and personal relationships, and in recent years we are seeing as the stress has considerably increased the number of patients with disorders of the soil. For example, data suggest that they have increased 50% cases of insomnia by stress ”, explains Dr. Carlos Tejero Juste.

Although to a lesser extent, emotional stress can also facilitate the emergence of crises of epilepsy and stress is a risk factor for stroke.

In addition to being a triggering factor must be borne in mind that stress, in general, is a great enemy of the health and therefore it is important that both healthy people as those who suffer from any disease or neurological condition, try to avoid it. It is very common that patients aggravated their ailments or increased their seizures due to stress ”, concluded Dr. Carlos Tejero Juste.


-try regular schedules before join our activity work.

-Back from our holiday destination one or two days before the end of our holiday to facilitate the gradual recovery of habits.

-Sleep longer hours than usual during the first days of work.

-Once at work, to take it gradually. Perhaps first solving the most urgent issues and planning the rest of less urgent tasks for the next few days.

-Plan new periods of rest throughout the year, albeit more brief.

-Maintain a positive attitude.