The city with its pollution, the field with your allergies, often not let us breathe properly. To this end have been created nasal, filters that also function as humidifiers.

Is that we have created Spain a simple and efficient system of plastic Elvax incorporating filters, scented or not. They are very small and its use is very comfortable, being especially suited for urban cyclists, motorcyclists, professionals who are exposed to little clean, aires etc …

works by adding a bit of water in its interior, which causes a humidifier effect and counteracts nasal dryness. Is therefore suitable for travel by plane and offices with air conditioning.

Its duration is of several weeks, even months, depending on the occupancy of each person. You can find them on the Internet while they are negotiating its distribution in pharmacies, parapharmacies, sports shops and distributors dental.

Fuente| Very interesting

Tags: nasal dryness