Natural individual physical and mental reaction to the demands or pressures of the environment, stress is a great creator of tension and fatigue, exceeds the individual adaptation capabilities and threatens his well-being.

Resorting to relaxation, yoga, Tai Chi, and the psychotherapeutic can be extremely beneficial for the stabilization of the body and mind of who suffers from. Here’s some points that offer other alternative treatment: * hydrotherapy, massage therapy and aromatherapy are useful for anxious people, because they favor the relaxation of the nervous system, while the aromatherapy usually recommend the essential oils of lavender, Chamomile, mejorama and ylang-ylang.

* Meditation offers a technique called directed images, which teach the patient to visualize a quiet and calm mental image in order to counteract the feelings associated with stress. On the other hand, many people can find activities such as exercise, art, music and writing to favour relaxation and thereby reduce the stress.

* Sometimes better therapy may be a member of the family or a friend who listens to who suffers. Talk about stressful situations can help a person cope with and solve their problems and consequently reduce the level of suffering.

* A pet is recommended to help clear the mind, for example, during the games and rides with him made.

* The herbalist or medical holistic prescribe certain herbs such as ginseng, Borage, licorice, Chamomile, thistle, and stinging nettle.

* Stress also reduces the immunity of the body, so supplementation with vitamins can be useful to counteract depletion, i.e. the scarcity or lack of

* The diet is also important: coffee and other drinks with caffeine in high doses produce agitation, restlessness, anxiety, and insomnia, as well as animal protein-rich foods raise brain levels of substances associated with high nievles of anxiety and stress

To counter these effects, the entire cereal favor the production of a neurotransmitter brain called serotonin, which provides a greater sense of well-being.

Enciclipedia of the alternatives medicines, and definitions

Photo: doncan311 (private)

Tags: cereal, stress, massage, alternative therapy, natural therapies, vitamins