The natural cooking oil, before be processed chemically, contains vitamin A, vitamin E, chlorophyll, unsaturated fatty acids, lecithin (amino acid which attacks cholesterol), and acid lonoléico. In order to bottle it and release it for sale, they are submitted to a process that involves the following:

neutralization with sosa cáusica.

Addition of sulfuric acid to Remove bitter substances, mucilages (soluble fiber of viscous nature), albuminoides (organic insoluble in water bodies).-clean.

-Overheating to give transparency.

-Adding condoms and antioxidant.

Once carried out the above, such which expose it on fat to grease , offers us an oil attractive sight, taste and smell, but Nothing nutritious. The same applies to butter, cocoa butter and margarine.

The great danger of oil is its excessive heat, which occurs when are they FRY much food or when the same oil is used repeatedly. The alarm that this represents for the health is about cholesterol, whose abnormal increase produces serious diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiac infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and allergies.

Other less harmful oils(aunque_posiblemente_más_difícil_de_conseguir) from which they could choose for cooking are the following: olive, soybean, safflower, canola, peanut, sunflower, linseed, Sesame, cotton, coconut and flaxseed.

Three tips: If you choose to acquire Virgin olive oil – also called olive – be sure to have a greenish color. You do not abuse of any kind or save it for use in another frying. And garnished salads with him cold, which is its best use.

Routes: the garbage that we eat, Botanical, and Association Aragon interactive and Multimedia.

Tags: Heart, fries, fat, butter, vitamin A, vitamin E