Homeopathy homeopathic medicine is a holistic system of treatment, i.e., that depends on the operation of each of its elements to make it effective as a whole; not as the simple sum of its parts, but conceived as a whole are coordinated to work. is based on the idea that the substances that produce the symptoms of the disease in healthy people help heal when supplied in very dilute amounts in sick people that show the same symptoms.

Is why the word homeopathy derives from the combination of two Greek words meaning disease ”.

Its founding physician Samuel Hahnemann laid the three principles of this system whose remedies stimulate the healing of the body system:


1) Law of similarity (like heals like).(2) Law of the infinitesimal doses (the more diluted is a remedy is more powerful).(3) The disease is specific of each body.

This last assertion refers to the peculiarity of the condition that each patient suffers: two people with severe headache does not necessarily have to receive the same remedies.

The homeópata doctor will have to question a person about his lifestyle, dietary habits and their specific traits of personality, the nature of your headache and the frequency with which it appears. Collecting these data, conform a file that determines the patient profile, at base which is medical.

Homeopath physicians seek to cure physical, mental and emotionally, because each treatment tailored to the individual needs of each person. Treatment is safe and free of toxicity

Undernourishment: Enciclipedia of the alternatives medicines, and dictionary of Alegsa.Photo: Tommy (particular)

Tags: homeopathic medicine, alternative therapies