new intelligent pacemakers remarkably improve the quality of life of patients with arrhythmias

-The EUROPACE Congress of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), which is being held from Sunday, 26 and until today, brings this year in Madrid the best specialists in rhythms from all over Europe

– sessions where helped the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC), among the entitled The true benefits of CRM therapy are chronic, not short-term ”, which shows how to improve the safety and quality of life of patients with arrhythmias through new intelligent pacemakers who have arrived this year to Spain

– more than 34,000 pacemakers are implanted annually in our country. Due to the large number of functions of them and the lack of resources available to carry out a proper follow-up to the patients, the functions of the current pacemakers are bad and little exploited

-thank you will these smart pacemaker is optimize automatically the features of the device on a daily basis without having to wait for the annual visit to the specialist. This will improve the adaptation to the needs of the patient, reducing the feeling of fatigue, avoid dizziness and improving their ability of effort.

Madrid, June of 2011. The European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) being held in Madrid, from Sunday, 26 and until today Wednesday, June 29, meeting EUROPACE, in which there are cites the best specialists in rhythms from all over Europe.

Several members of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) are actively participating in this meeting, collaborating as speakers or moderators in various sessions of the Congress.

Presentations, among the entitled The true benefits of CRM therapy are chronic, not short-term ” and moderated by Dr. Richard Becker, Internal Medicine Physician and Cardiovascular Disease Physician of Cortlandt Manor New York (NY), and Dr. Ignacio Fernández Lozano, section President, electrophysiology and arrhythmias from the SEC. It has made special emphasis on how innovations recently appeared in the field of the treatment of rhythm heart go to remarkably improve the management of patients with arrhythmias, taking advantage of all the functions available to the pacemaker and adapting constantly to the needs of the patient.

In our country are implanted annually more than 34,000 pacemaker, according to the national register of pacemakers. This figure is increasing, but the number of specialists responsible for the follow-up of the patients is not concurrently, so in most cases, patients visit only the specialist once a year, a poor review for proper optimization of the device you carry.

This fact makes the multiple roles that have a pacemaker use little and badly in most cases, missed many of the options that allows the device by the inability to take a routine control of the same.

Given the number of patients, is very difficult to optimize all pacemakers for each individual, which is why many times are they programmed in a generic way, but some patients need a specific programming that his pacemaker is better suited to his heart, getting the proper frequency control ”, says Dr. Fernández Lozano.

Fortunately, increasingly are new devices that facilitate the management of patients with arrhythmias. Since January, already found in Spain intelligent pacemaker that daily adjust their functions automatically, constantly adapting to the needs of the patient without obligation visit to a specialist, unless there is no complication.

This new family of devices achieve these sick heart work better, increasing its capacity of effort, reducing the feeling of fatigue and avoiding the appearance of dizziness ”, notes Fernández Lozano.

Also, pacemakers and defibrillators for remote monitoring, who came to Spain a few years ago, help a lot to the control of this type of patient. After introducing the device to the patient, a console, connected to the landline or mobile, that he must leave on the night table is provided to you. The device obtains data from the pacemaker while the patient sleeps, analyses them and sends them to a web page to which the physician has daily access. If there any alarming data (tachycardia, displacement of some cable, battery empty …) specialist receives an SMS or an email automatically.

Thanks to all these devices, the safety of the patient with arrhythmia is improving greatly ”, concludes Dr. Fernández Lozano.

Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC)

The Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) is a scientific and professional organization non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.

In addition, the SEC has among its main objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating national and international links for the development of actions and represent all interested professionals in the field of cardiology.