new technique of immediate maxillofacial bone reconstruction

-The mandibular engineering technique ensures functional and esthetic rehabilitation without need to remove other parts of the body of the patient’s own bone

-3D virtual planning allows to design the surgery in a way very precise and minimally invasive that shortens the time of surgery and recovery

-30% of patients with lack of teeth They also suffer a loss of bone requiring reconstruction

Barcelona, March 2012.- El Dr. Federico Hernández Alfaro, Maxillofacial surgeon of Centro Médico Teknon, has successfully conducted an immediate maxillofacial bone reconstruction without removing other parts of the body of the patient’s own bone. The results of this case have been recently published in the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry magazine.

The loss of teeth often involves loss of the bone that required reconstruction. It is estimated that 30% of patients with lack of a tooth also lack the bone where was this piece. Traditionally, in order to regain bone used techniques which consisted of taking bone from other parts of the body, such as the hip, leg, or arm for later transplanting them in the mouth; with the consequent morbidity and defect in the donor area that it caused in the patient.

Against the conventional technique, the team of Dr. Hernández Alfaro raised an intervention based on techniques of virtual planning 100% 3D, from the scanner the patient has generated a model estereolitográfico of his jaw on which surgery has been planned and designed a titanium mesh. The mesh of the patient’s own cells, extracted from his bone marrow during the intervention, along with growth factors and moldings which forms new bone has filled during surgery.

After nine months of intervention the histological study revealed a bone biodegraded normal bone formation so proceeded to the relocation of the molars in the area and to the total rehabilitation of the patient, both from the aesthetic point of view and from the functional point of view. The patient operated in 2009 had suffered an ameloblastoma (benign tumor) not metastaizado but locally aggressive that it had caused the loss of the bone.

Dr. Hernández Alfaro planning 3D is essential in this type of surgery as it allows to operate in a very precise manner and techniques of surgery minimally invasive make it be shortened the time of surgery and the recovery of the patient ”. The intervention with engineering 3D lasts an hour and average approximately, compared with the 5 hours of conventional surgery with bone removal and, within 24 hours of the operation, the patient can return home.

This new technique is particularly indicated for patients who are missing portions of bone in the jaw and facial skeleton in general, which can not be rehabilitated patients with implants due to lack of bone due to after-effects of injuries or accidents, or benign tumors.

Centro Médico Teknon offers a comprehensive surgical service of all alterations esthetic, traumatic or tumor affecting the face and the mouth. A team at the forefront of the specialty and the facilities and equipment of last generation provide a coverage specialized of all the plots of the oral and maxillofacial surgery, from the aesthetics of the facial skeleton, up by absent teeth replacement implants osseointegrated.