Obesan-obesity in Andalusia-creates on its website a new informative and informative blog that specializes in obesity surgery.

Spain, March of 2013.- Obesan-obesity in Andalusia – medical consultation specialized in the treatment of obesity has recently launched an informative blog that offers any user information, medical studies, recommendations, and news related to obesity and its surgical treatment.

Obesity has become a serious problem in the South of Spain. In particular, it is in Andalusia where are the highest percentages of obese population together with the Canary Islands and Galicia, communities who also lead the ranking.

is estimated that currently the 58.2% of the Andalusian population overweight or obese (62.9% men and 53.7% women). The prevalence of obesity in men and women Andalusian is 17.9% and 20.4% respectively and in recent years they have increased considerably between the Andalusian population both percentages of overweight and obesity, especially in adult ages being between 45 and 75 or more years, the ages with higher prevalence.

The Outlook for the next few years indicate that obesity will continue to grow in Andalusia, since new generations show percentages of obesity had not ever seen, being children Andalusian the most obese of Spain. Currently, one of every five Andalusian children is obese, and if this situation is not caught in time, there are many possibilities to be an obese adult.

Faced with this situation and due to a lack of information about the different techniques aimed at combating obesity Dr. Antonio Barranco – specialist in General Surgery and digestive, specialized in the surgical treatment of obesity with more than ten years of experience in the treatment of obese patients – has launched a divulgative and informative blog to discuss related issues with the overweight, obesity, surgical treatment and long-term disease treatment.

Dr. Antonio Barranco is fighting this disease which is on track to become an “epidemic” worldwide, from Seville, acting as medical specialist in the surgical treatment of obesity.

In the words of Dr. Barranco obesity is a very complex disease, so we need to work on disclosure of all the information available about the treatment of this disease, beginning with the prevention and ending with clearly explain options and treatments exist today in day when prevention has failed. In any case, most importantly people with obesity awareness of the problem and of does them in his day to day. “Obesity is clearly related to an important number of associated diseases that shorten life expectancy or significantly reduce quality of life, why is important to raise awareness about the disease and learn about how to treat it with independence what is the classification of the patient with respect to the degree of obesity since for each case there is a solution”.

Thanks to this initiative, people who suffer from this disease can consult on the blog that is located on the web www.obesan.es the information required on the treatment of obesity and raise their questions to the doctor who will answer questions and will be published in the blog so that others can also resolve their doubts and concerns about how combat disease.