Melissa its Latin name is Melissa Oficinalis, but we know commonly as lemon balm, lemon balm or limonera. This humble plant is known for a long time for their properties to calm nerves and anxiety. It contains a large number of components in the form of acids, tannins and alcohols, which are those who provide their skills beneficial.

Life has been used lemon balm as a means to calm nervous agitation and anxiety States and to avoid psychosomatic problems arising from these States.

depending on what is our problem and the reason that causes it, the manner in which you take the Melissa will have to vary. If live stress constant by our work or family life, a tea prepared with a tablespoon of lemon balm for a glass of water will do miracles for our welfare. This same infusion is a good remedy for insomnia, taken 15 minutes before going to sleep.

If the nervous problem is so pronounced that it flows into tachycardia, infusion of Melissa is also a good remedy, but it is much better if combined this plant with tila and Valerian; by a teaspoon of each species for each glass of water.

In addition, the flowers and leaves of lemon balm, also in infusion, are very good for calming the stomach pains and problems digestives.


Tags: anxiety crisis, properties lemon balm, remedios stress