remarks on bronchodilator – NEUMOSUR.

Seville, February 2010.- to the reports in various media in relation to bronchodilators agonist beta-2 agonists used for the treatment of the symptoms of severe asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and given the possibility of uncertainty and alarm transmitted to patients and their families), the Southern Association of Pulmonologists, NEUMOSUR wants to transmit:

-treatment of bronchial asthma and COPD are perfectly standardized and collected by international regulations which have the support of the who (World Health Organization) and other agencies control.

-That employment for control of the asthma symptoms of beta broncodilatradores agonist of prolonged effect (LABA), partners always to an inhaled glucocorticoid, outweigh the potential risks of these medications.

-That the recommendations the U.S. agency FDA has recently issued on these medications are possibly related to their use in United States differs something that is done in Europe, due to the different configuration of the American health system. In this country, having to pay the patient full medication tends to save and to only use the bronchodilator, whose perceived effect is more or less immediate improvement of symptoms, to the detriment of its use combined with the corresponding inhaled steroid, whose anti-inflammatory action takes time to notice it.

-In Europe, for the treatment of bronchial asthma, the bronchodilator and inhaled corticoide come generally associated in the same device, what makes this problem at least.

-That said, is true that there is often a low awareness of the patient with regard to the control of his illness, which makes leaving treatment inhaled in the absence of symptoms. That is why NEUMOSUR considers key to establishing asthma education programs that include basic information about the disease and proper training in the use of inhaled therapy. This lack of adherence to therapy which, as it is known, is a major problem in many chronic respiratory diseases in asthma control is more common and also more relevant.