Scientists centro de investigación CIC microGUNE and Gaiker-IK4 technological centre work within the framework of the PATSENS project in development of a biosensor that will allow detect rapid microbiological food contamination, such as salmonella, at any stage the production chain, from the control of raw materials to the points of sale.

The objective of the project is to detect at first two pathogenic micro-organisms: salmonella spp ” and the cronobacter, to then extend it to other micro-organisms and toxins from food interest.

normally, we associate the spread of salmonella to eat raw eggs, present above all in the elaborate creams for baked goods, but the truth is that the bacteria can be in any food that has been in contact with the Earth or the feces of animals, such as vegetables, meat which not has tampered adequately or in milk unpasteurized.

Symptoms manifest themselves as diarrhoeal infections, fever and abdominal pains, and some people may develop, for example, chronic rheumatic ailments, so this new investigation led to facilitate largely preventing this and other diseases, already developed technology can be adapted to the health sector for the diagnosis in the outpatient setting of infectious diseases, neurodegenerative and even cancer.

Fundaciónannavazquez DNA

Tags: advances scientific, detect salmonella