The potassium is very important for the proper functioning of cells, they are responsible, for example, for muscle contraction and nerve transmission. The lack or deficiency of potassium in the body causes weakness and fatigue, dehydration, diarrhea, cramps, muscle pain, or constipation.

On the other hand, If we go with the ingested amount of potassium, can suffer from cardiac arrhythmias and cardiovascular complications. Only in the event that you’re a sportsman you must take large amounts of potassium. fruits and vegetables containing more potassium are fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts or coffee and cocoa, or bananas, potatoes, artichoke, tomato, mushrooms and mushrooms, the latter are very rich in potassium

However, they have nothing of potassium, or almost nothing, products such as milk and its derivatives, maize or wheat, cucumber, vegetables such as onion or pea, fruits such as the watermelon or Apple, fish and seafood such as cod, sea bass, clams or shrimp and eggs in addition.

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Tags: food potassium, potassium, potassium functions