The is one of the most unpleasant and annoying pains that we suffer, and no one are free from falling into it. Pollution, forcing the voice, tobacco, cold drinks … all these ingredients give rise to an explosive cocktail which always ends with the same result: sore throat.

This pain may be due to a condition of angina, cold, flu or just a sore throat. Our grandmothers had a classic remedy that we have all experienced some vez:milk hot with honey The truth is that it is pleasant and softens the throat, but its medicinal properties are currently in question.

lemon was also indicated to improve pain and was taken back hot and mixed with honey. Is not more use these remedies, but there are others also quite effective.

E.g., gargling with bicarbonate of soda and water. The bicarbonate is often much to soften the pain; pills of chlorate of potash (on sale in pharmacies, without line and cheaply) improve considerably the problems of aphonia.

A remedy that have argued me that it works is the Cayenne Pepper (Yes, you read that right). But quiet; It must not swallow. You just have to mix a teaspoon rasa with warm water and gargle to spit the mixture immediately. Watch with eyes!

Infusion of gordolobo is very effective, as well as that of Sage (it is also used for gargling). And the with honey and lemon thyme also serves to significantly alleviate the pain. Among so many remedies, are sure to find one for you …

Daniel Panev.

Tags: sore throat remedies grandmother