Ensures that the strike 20% of doctors they have followed and it will not alter health plans


The Minister of health of the Generalitat Catalan, Boi Ruiz, has opened the door Wednesday to a new cut in the budget of the Department by 2012, after a year in which 900 million euros, has contracted although it has ensured that this hypothetical reduction will not affect in any case to health.

Between actions that could undertake to reduce spending, Ruiz has embraced the decrease in the cost of the rent of equipment, advertising campaigns and administrative, among others, structures although shown prescriptive in saying that the money which is intended to meet the population “will be protected in the budget”.

The Catalan health service (CatSalut) “will buy the same volume of activity for the same price”, he assured the conseller, which stated his will passes by it does not destroy any employment in the health sector and service providers keep the labour conditions agreed.

Ruiz has also advanced that by the end of the month the Ministry presented to all health workers and the media new health plan designed until 2014, which provides for a reorganization of the services that it will not stop anyone without provision or cut any rights, pointed out, and will have “clinical governance” as a fundamental pillar.

American of Catalunya, the majority Union of the Catalan public health which has called a strike for Tuesday and Wednesday, had already advanced that it occurred before his suspicion that health target a further 4 per cent cut in their accounts, and although the Counsellor acknowledged that there has been a “delay” in the presentation of accounts, it has been reported that it is premature to talk about figures.

In a conciliatory speech and with continuing calls for dialogue, Ruiz has declined to assess the medical strike in the same terms of the President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, and the speaker of the Balearic Government, Francesc Homs – who blamed her political motivations and her accusing error, respectively-, and noted that the important thing is the day after the strike and “the alternative is to negotiate”.

“The strike have it appreciate those that call”, he pointed, although he stated that the follow-up has been 20 per cent in the whole of the system, by reference to the registration of doctors who have not come to their jobs, and therefore based on objective facts and not estimates, while MC rises up to 70% no follow-up take into account the staff that performs the minimum services.

Ruiz added that the minimum services agreed upon, taking as reference the 2006 strike, have been met to letter, and has been considered “obvious” that has been a subject for many people, whose visits are reprogramarán within a maximum period of 30 days.

References to CHACÓN

The conseller has also made a veiled allusion to the Minister of defence and candidate of the PSC in Catalonia, Carme Chacón, to which he has afeado unnamed to speak of “savage cuts” in health care when the actions taken this year, have been based in ensuring the viability of the system and not spend what has noall this without cutting any benefit or any right.

Ruiz has called for avoiding “inconsistencies” to reprimand non-compliance with the ceiling of deficit the Government and at the same time criticize cuts, and has relied on such criticism of the election campaign based on ignorance, not malice, because there is a risk that affect confidence in the system.