The community saves over 50 million and more than 300,000 days off work with a pioneer control Plan.

Madrid was the first region to launch this initiative, with the National Social Security Institute.

– in the past two years, health inspectors have supervised the casualties of more than 165,000 civil servants

-the regional government launched this Plan on health and Social Affairs, and in 2011 spread it to the rest of Councils

– in the balance sheet highlights that the average number of baja in the workforce has declined in four and a half days

Madrid, March 2012.- La Comunidad de Madrid has managed to save 51.2 million euros and a total of 313.705 days off work in the last two years, thanks to the special inspection and Control of the temporary incapacity (IT), since Plan underway form pioneered by the Government of Esperanza Aguirre to get that level of absenteeism among workers in the regional administration is adecúe to real clinical needs and avoid fraudulent actions.

As they reveal data, this improvement in the management of labour losses of public employees contributes to a more efficient regional administration and with a more efficient use of resources, which is necessary in these times of economic hardship.

In the past two years, health inspectors have supervised casualties by temporary inability of the 165.877 workers taking part in the ministries of culture and sport, Presidency and justice, economy, education, environment, health and Social Affairs. This special plan to control the temporary inability to participate in more than 150 inspectors of the Ministry of health.

In particular, in 2011, we searched 44.683 processes of temporary disability, citing inspection to 4.707 cases, 7,090 high given or instadas by the Inspectorate, which meant a saving of 23.6 million euros to the regional government.

The regional government launched this Control Plan in the ministries of Social Affairs and health, expand in 2011 to the rest of Councils.

Study of the staff of health and Social Affairs

In the case of the Ministry of health, the temporary disability of 80.440 the Madrid health service professionals and the 2007 central services have been studied. The result of the plan has been saving at least 82.097 days in unjustified casualties among the Sermas workers, representing a saving of EUR 21.5 million and a decrease of 4.5 days on average lower per worker per year from 2009.

Through the Ministry of Social Affairs has managed to save with this special plan a total of 2.079.733 euros by reducing unjustified losses, representing a total of 24,544 saved days.

In total, between the Madrid health service and the Ministry of Social Affairs is have saved a total of 106.641 days, and it is a measure that reduces the average number of days per worker – Sermas happened 21,06 days in 2009 to 2011 16,52just over four days and half-decreases, therefore savings in days.

The special inspection and Control of the temporary disability Plan was launched under an agreement signed by the National Social Security Institute and the autonomous communities. In addition, was launched by the Madrid government, after hearing the trade unions in the sector of Health Bureau.