The community wants to exceed 4,000 donations of blood with the campaign of universities.

this campaign will be extended until December 2 day and will be present at nine universities.

-transfusion Center shall also on how donate marrow

– in the first nine months of the year there have been almost 140,000 donations

Madrid, October of 2011- the Centre for transfusion of Madrid their universities campaign has been launched in the school technique of engineers of telecommunications of the Polytechnic University of Madrid blood donation, with the aim of overcoming the 4,000 donations made in the previous campaign. The Vice-Counsellor of health management and infrastructure, Bethlehem Prado, accompanied by the Director of the school, William Cisnero, presented the campaign, which this year includes information and recruitment of bone marrow donors, in the technical school Superior of engineers of telecommunications of the University Polytechnicwhose centers are distinguished for their solidarity and number of donations.

Blood donation universities campaign began last Monday and will be extended until 2 December, visiting 73 colleges and university schools of the six public universities and three of the community of Madrid private. With the campaign, the transfusion centre wants to promote the solidarity of young people and encourage them to join a community of donors of blood, essential for improving the health of the other.

University students and young people as a whole, are a priority audience for blood donation, – said Bethlehem Prado-, as well as donations to carry out throughout their period of study, we do want to incorporate the donation maintained over time as a solidarity habit throughout his life ”.

Information on the mobile units of donation

In addition to the presence of the mobile units from the Centre of transfusion and thanks to the collaboration of the different rectors, the campaign will be present on their websites, to locate smooth points and dates that will travel units, information that can also be obtained here. At the same time, the rooms of the mobile units are kept in different parts of the community and the point of permanent reference of the Centre for transfusion in the Puerta del Sol. Since early this year and until the 30th of September the center of transfusion of Madrid has processed 139.573 donations, an increase of the + 0.74% versus the same period of the previous year.

Bone marrow

In this campaign on the Madrid campus shall be in addition to the University community about the donation of bone marrow, so that, above all the students are offered as donors. Research shows that the more favourable results in bone marrow transplants are getting young donor population, between 18 and 25, both transplant donors related familiarly as those not related.

The donation is well through seizure of the blood, a single for the donor procedure, and somewhat similar to a normal donation. Also, sometimes is used proper bone marrow donation to transfusion them in both cases, the receiver needs the transplant. To become a donor, it is only necessary to register as such, after an interview with medical personnel and some simple tests, and thus to become part of a single solidarity network which includes millions of people around the world. The Spanish registry of donors of bone marrow (REDMO) is in charge of manage information donation so that suitable units reach the patient that the needed.