Why in contrast to what my colleague Itzel, according to the scientific and medical community thinks homeopathy is not a medicine, is more, there are no medicines ”. Medicine as we today understand and define, has an origin (Greek), first development (Classics), stagnation (medieval), revival (Renaissance) and systematization (contemporary), each time with his illustrious figures, Hippocrates and Galen, Vesalius and Cajal (to quote an example close).

Is saying, as medicine has developed, medicine is a fruit of the West, who was born under the clear influence of Greek philosophy, whose development stops during the middle ages due to Christian morality and begins to re-emerge with the Italian Renaissance, and finally embraces the scientific method, which gives fruit medicine today. That does not mean that other knowledge of the health systems are lower, or much less, Chinese and Japanese traditional therapies are really effective and modern medicine is able to explain its active principles. But medicine, as we understand it today has origin and development in the West (and extends the world). and Western medicine is the only knowledge about the health system meets the requirements for being a ciencia:

* possesses theoretical knowledge of the healthy human body based on the evidence (Anatomy, Physiology, nutrition, etc.)

* has a knowledge theorist of diseases based on the evidence and knowledge of the human body

* has knowledge practical for the identification of the disease (diagnosis) based on the previous

* has a knowledge practical for the treatment of diseases (therapeutic)

These requirements fails them homeopathy, is one of the many branches ” or loose that medicine during its development has stopped on the road when he embraced the scientific method. A method based on that any experiment should be carried out more than once, and that the outcome of any of them must be false. Observed phenomena, extracted a number of concepts to explain it, arises a hypothesis to explain it, tested and he is rejected or approved. (

See how its three tenets do not adapt to the medicine, or ciencia:

1) law of similarity (like heals like).According to this assumption typhoid fever be healed with sulphur, since both cause a State such ” (I between envenomation and fever see a big difference, but homeopathy is not, so that does not discuss), long ago demonstrated their ineffectiveness and toxicity. Can you imagine a person treated burns with heat? or a diarrhea with laxatives?


2) Law of the infinitesimal dose (the more diluted is a remedy is more powerful).This postulate is based on the supposed memory of water ”, completely defenestraded by science today (starting with chemistry), the water is not able to retain substances ” and promote them ”. What is more, according to this principle, less amount of aspirin painkiller, more effect, diganselo to the unit of burned if they reduce them morphine to the infinitesimal dose which will tell you. (

3) Disease is specific of each agencyOne thing is disease affects differently in each agency ” and other disease is specific ”, obviously an attacking the heart in an obese and a malnourished are completely different, but the disease is the same: thrombus that collapses the coronary and leaves without irrigation to one part of the heart. If each patient has different diseases diseases would simply not exist and even less the medicine.

Tags: pseudoscience, alternative therapies, homeopathy, alternative to test therapies