Madrid, 15 mar (EFE).-the Government today announced the consumption of the autonomous communities responsible for the unification of the National Institute of consumption (INC) and the Spanish Agency for food safety.

Minister Ana Mato has communicated this decision to regional leaders at the meeting of the sectoral Conference of consumption, which has met today for the first time in the legislature, also coinciding with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the world day for the rights of consumers.

The new agency, as reported by the Ministry after the sectoral Conference, will contribute to the rationalization in the use of public resources and bring the Spanish model to the European, that the new agency will follow the example of European Directorate-General of food safety and consumer.

The unification of these two bodies, according to this source, allows also the participation of associations of consumers in the field of food.

The Minister reported in addition to regional leaders of the next Bill of customer service, which among other things will regulate the operation of the offices of companies customer.

In addition, shall be laid down criteria for information and transparency which should offer companies in the precontractual phase and also in claims and for the settlement of disputes between a customer and a company, reported the Ministry.

One of the novelties will be that claim procedures may be always carried out via telephone, and personalized attention, not through devices of voice, to facilitate the access of older users or other groups with difficulties to communicate through these devices offer always as a first option in this mode,.

At the sectoral Conference, the development of a new model of electricity bills has also decided, to make it more transparent, easier reading and interpretation by all consumers.

The Minister has announced that it will provide also a special interest to consumers of financial products, many of which have been seriously affected by the consequences of the crisis, in particular as regards the so-called “preferred shares”.

Mato has assured that the Government will review this type of financial products recruitment procedures, so that there is a clear obligation on banks of providing all the necessary information to the citizens.

” We want to eliminate the letter small “, said the Minister; this way, when making a decision, the consumer will be informed of the commitments assumed with the Bank or savings,” noted the Minister.