The Hospital of Torrejón, the first public hospital in Madrid to make deliveries in the water.

hospital, which opened on 22 September, offers this alternative to all women who want to.

– is indicated in cases of pregnancy with the expectation of delivery without complications

-mode of delivery in water is an analgesic alternative when the mother does not want epidural

Spain, March 2012.- the Hospital of Torrejón, integrated in the public network of hospitals, community of MadridIt has attended the first birth in the water of the community of Madrid. Both the mother and the newborn are in perfect condition and parents already enjoyed his recent fatherhood in his home.

It’s the first birth in water practiced in the community of Madrid. The Hospital of Torrejón, pioneer in the introduction of this technique for childbirth, was inaugurated last September by the regional President, Esperanza Aguirre, and until today has been almost 200 births.

Water birth is a mode of delivery of low intervention, recommended for those that have passed without complications and pregnancies for those who expected that delivery goes equally uncomplicated. Its goal is to be a non-pharmacological analgesic alternative for those cases in which women would prefer not receive epidural anesthesia.

We already had several cases in which the mother chose this option to alleviate the pains of childbirth, but finally the phase of expulsivo was in bed at the request of the pregnant woman. But this has been the first case in which the mother gives birth within the bath ”, explained Dr. Bethlehem Santacruz, head of the service of gynaecology and obstetrics of the Hospital of Torrejón.

The tub for water deliveries is a device specifically designed for the delivery procedure, so that women can perform both the dilation phase and the expulsivo of the newly born and childbirth in conditions of comfort and safety be constantly attended by the team of the Hospital of Torrejon lambing.

In cases of childbirth in the water, a midwife is constantly with the laboring to ensure that the entire process is done in the right way and give continuous support to women and their partners need.

In addition, following in line with the policy of favouring the delivery of minimum intervention and the presence of the father during the whole process, the couple of the pregnant woman can to stay all the time with her ”, explained Elena Rivilla, supervisor of lambing in the Hospital of Torrejón.

Minimum intervention, maximum satisfaction

Ruben’s parents explained that they decided to opt for delivery in the water after it was revealed the method in one of the Antepartum visits organized by the hospital. Went because we wanted to know in advance what we were going to find and when they explained how it was the method of delivery in water, decided that we would thus in light to Rubén. we are very happy and very satisfied with the decision we take. We have also been able to live in first person everything what we advanced in the visit, as the presence of the father during the entire process and program skin with skin ”, said Veronica mother of Ruben, weighing 3,360 kg at birth.

The Hospital of Torrejon has established technical skin with skin that is already done in the rest of the hospitals in the region. This technique promotes direct contact from birth between the baby and its mother, stimulating the materno-filial link, breastfeeding and parents are encouraged to participate from the outset in the process of care and care of his son.